General Settings on the Community

The General option in Settings is where you configure the broad settings of your event.


General can be accessed through the dashboard as follows:

Settings > General




Here, you can change event-related settings like chat, meeting, notifications, OTP email, etc. Click 'Save'.


Chat Permission:

After accessing the General setting you can enable or disable the Chat Permission in the Groups section.


By enabling the Chat Permission in General, the setting in Groups Section would look as follows:


The setting would reflect at the user end by allowing a group to be able to chat with the other people attending the event as follows:


Meeting Permission:

After accessing the General setting you can enable or disable the Meeting Permission in the Groups section.


By enabling the Meeting Permission in General, the setting in Groups Section would look as follows:


The setting would reflect at the user end by allowing a group to be able to schedule meetings with the other people attending the event as follows:




After accessing the General setting you can change the notification settings to adjust how often the people should know what's happening in the virtual event.


By enabling notifications, you can customize how and which notifications you would like the Groups to receive by changing the settings in Settings > Notifications.


The setting would reflect at the user end when the person accesses their Profile Setting:


By disabling Notifications, you can ensure that people attending the event are not getting just the basic notifications.



Show the Event date on the Reception

The event date visibility on the reception can be managed by enabling/disabling this toggle.

Send OTP email while logging in
By disabling this toggle, the users will not receive the login code emails while logging in to the system.