Hubilo provides tagging feature which supports tagging of the below entities:
Person: Any member of the event (Attendee, Speaker, etc.)
Session Name
Virtual booth
Mentioned entities can be tagged in the following event sections:
Session Live Chat
Feed - Post, and Comments
The mentioned item will be hyperlinked to the original entity for the user to open it.
How to enable Mentions (tagging) in your event:
Step 1: Open dashboard > event > settings
Step 2: Open Mentions sections
Step 3: Allow mentions in Session Live Chat:
Open session > edit > engagement > live chat > Allow mention is chat (checkbox) > save
Step 4: Toggle On the sections in which you want to allow tagging:
Sessions: Users would be able to tag items in the session live-chat section
On typing '@' as a first character - search the name
Feed: The users would be able to tag items on the feed post & comments.
On typing '@' as a first character - search the name
The mentioned item will be hyperlinked to the original entity for the user to open it.
Not supported in Hubilo Broadcasting Studio - Speaker/Host won't be able to use it via Live Chat on HBS but with an attendee view button option, they can use the mention tag.