How to set up a custom login code?

Set a custom login code for your event attendees, speaker & booth member, therefore making the login experience simple & fast for them.

To set up a custom login code:

Step 1: Enable Restricted Access:


Open dashboard > event > setting > login > toggle on Restrict Access.


Step 2: In Login Via > select Custom Login Code



Step 3: Set common login code:


Scroll down on the same page > Add a default login code.

This code will be set as the common login code for all users who doesn't have any custom code assigned to their profile.


Step 4: Assign custom code to each user:

While uploading the user data on Hubilo, you will have a mandatory field as Custom Login Code. wherein you need to add code for the user. This code can be the same or unique for all, as per your choice.


Open dashboard > Event > People > Add People > Single > Add User Data > Add Custom Login Code > Save


For bulk upload:

Open people section > Add People > Bulk Upload > Selec the group > Download the format > Add the user data under the respective fields > add the custom login code > save > Upload the same file on dashboard > save


Step 5: Send Invite Mail:

Once users are added to your event, you can select them and send them an invite mail.

This mail will have the link to your event platform & a custom login code for the user.



  • Custom login code accepts number(0-9), alphabets(a-z,A-Z), Special characters and Min length: 4 | Max length: 10

  • Default login code is mandatory, If the event is restricted and a custom login code is selected.

  • For users who don't have any code assigned to their profile, the default Login Code will be the login code for them.

  • When the attendee purchases the ticket then the default login code is the login code for them. The attendee details will be added to the people section along with the custom login code i.e default login code in this scenario.