How to set up log in process for a restricted event?

Restricted access is the right login option wherein your event/info is not meant for the general public and the users whose data is uploaded on Hubilo, only they can join/login to your event.


In order to restrict the event:
Step 1: Enable Restrict Access

  • Open dashboard > event > settings

  • Login Option > Toggle On the Restrict Access button


Step 2: Set Login Via:

Here you can set - how do you want attendees/speaker/booth members to join the event.

(A) System Generated Code: With this option, a system-generated code will be sent to the user email id, whenever they log in to your event platform.

This would be a random system-generated 4 digit code and it will be sent to the user every time, they log in to your event platform.


(B) Custom Login Code: With this option, you can set a custom code for all users & it would remain same throughout your event. This code will be sent to the users, whenever they log in to your event platform.

You can either have a unique code for each user or set the same code for all, this functionality can be controlled and managed at your end.