What is a Virtual Booth?

A Virtual Booth is a section that displays an exhibitor's company profile, products, images, and brochures. The attendees can simply click on different virtual booths and visit exhibitor's profiles to see what products, services, and innovations are offered by those particular companies.


The Virtual Booths can be easily located by clicking on the Booths Tab on Community Page. Please refer to the image below to see how a Virtual Booth can be located.



The Virtual Booth offers the attendees to connect with the Booth Representatives and arrange a Chat with them to discuss future ventures, collaborations, or business opportunities.

Please refer to the image below to see how the full profile of an Exhibitor within the Virtual Booth Tab of Hubilo Platform looks like.



Virtual Booths offer an interactive experience to the attendee as they can share their business details with the click of a button and take live polls on the Booth and network with the particular brand.