How to Register for a Session?

Once you are done with the login process after entering the platform, you need to go to the session tab. In the session tab, a complete day-wise agenda will be displayed along with session details such as Topic, Speakers, Host & other relevant details.


However, in the case of session registration, you may find the instances mentioned below:

  • Case 1: Attendees will be able to see the seats left for a particular session and can register themselves accordingly.

  • Case 2: In case if the registration is closed the register button will grey out and will pop up the reason as well.

  • Case 3: In case if your registration is pending at the end of organizers then it will show pending.

  • Case 4: In case your registration is confirmed by organizers you will be able to see that the join session toggle is active. However, if you wish to unregister yourself from that particular session you can just click that cross sign available along with the confirmed button.

  • Case 5: If the register button for the particular session is greyed out and not showing any reason then it simply indicates that organizers had disabled the registration.