My Profile Section

This section assists attendees in managing & updating their profile, itinerary, session, notes, bookmarks & account settings.

Edit Profile: To edit the profile, click on the edit profile tab and update the content & save the changes.





My Briefcase: All files marked or notes taken on Session, Attendee & Speaker profile - will be available as a collection in this section




My Bookmarks: All Bookmarks of Speakers, Attendees, and Exhibitors will appear here.



Settings: This will include General Settings of the event and you will be able to manage notifications as well.

To view the privacy settings & terms and condition, open the privacy section from the My Profile tab* (Organiser need to enable this - or it depends on the event)

Notification: To manage the notification, click on the notification tab & configure the settings as per your choice.

Language & Time Zone: The option to manage timezone and language would be available here. (Please note, the option to change the language will only appear if it is a multilingual event.)




Time Format: The option to change the Time format will also appear here. You can change it to a 24-hour format.