The Q&A option is a new feature to make the discussions more fruitful as it allows the spectators to ask questions and the participants can answer them during the discussion in Real-Time.
Q&A in the room is only available in moderated sessions
Also, this Q&A option can be moderated and the assigned moderator can Approve or Reject the Questions as per their suitability and relevance for that particular discussion.
Steps to Enable Q&A Option in a Room:
Step 1: Open dashboard > Go to Rooms Tab in the Event Section
Step 2: Click on Add Rooms Option
After going to the Rooms Tab, you have to click on the Add Rooms option to make a new Room for a particular agenda/discussion.
Step 3: Add Room Session > Make the room moderated > set the moderator
Step 4: Under the Engagement Option > Enable Q&A
Once you click on the Add Rooms option and enter the respective details for that particular Room, then you have to locate the Q&A option under the Engagement Options. Switch the Toggle ON for Q&A Option.
To moderate the questions - Enable - "Do you want to moderate Q&A?"
To allow anonymous questions - Enable - "Allow attendees to ask anonymous questions"
The moderator will then have an option to approve the question before it is available to everyone.
Room session host & moderator will have the option to moderate the Q&A.
Room session Q&A:
If the Q&A is moderated, then all the questions would be automatically piled under the Pending Category in the Q&A Section. You can answer these questions as per suitability or choice.