What is CPE (Continuous Professional Education) Credit? How to create credit type and certificate?

Continuing education courses are usually aimed at specific groups of participants to bring them up to date in a particular area of knowledge or skills.

The attendees will get credits on the basis of their participation in a session. Based on the participation you can choose to issue a certificate for the participant.

You can assign credit points for different activities and choose your metrics to issue a certificate.

This will help you:

  • To measure/monitor the attendees' participation.

  • Improve attendees participation with an incentive of a certificate.


Step 1: Go to Settings. Select "Credits and Certificate"


Step 2: Click on "Add Credit"

Add credit details like name and description.

Click "Next"

Add Certificate details.



Step 3: After filling in the details, click "Add" to save the credit.


To preview the certificate click "Preview".


Note: With effective from date 7th August 2023, this will be available on request basis.