Continuing education courses are usually aimed at specific groups of participants to bring them up to date in a particular area of knowledge or skills.
The attendees will get credits on the basis of their participation in a session. Based on the participation you can choose to issue a certificate for the participant.
You can assign credit points for different activities and choose your metrics to issue a certificate.
This will help you:
To measure/monitor the attendees' participation.
Improve attendees participation with an incentive of a certificate.
Step 1: Go to Settings. Select "Credits and Certificate"
Step 2: Click on "Add Credit"
Add credit details like name and description.
Click "Next"
Add Certificate details.
Step 3: After filling in the details, click "Add" to save the credit.
To preview the certificate click "Preview".
Note: With effective from date 7th August 2023, this will be available on request basis.