How to enable Q&A in a session?

Q&A is another engagement option that is available. While the session is ongoing, the attendees can ask questions to Speaker / Host.


Steps to enable the Q&A Engagement option for a session are as follows:

Step 1: Go to session > Select the session you wish to enable Q & A for.


Step 2: Select ' Stream Option' > Enable toggle button under 'Stream This Session'


Step 3: Go to Engagement Options > Q& A

  • To moderate the questions - Enable - "Do you want to moderate Q&A?"

  • To allow anonymous questions - Enable - "Allow attendees to ask anonymous questions"

  • The moderator will then have an option to approve the question before it is available to everyone.

  • Session host, speaker & event admin will have the option to moderate the Q&A.

Step 4: Click 'Save'.

Session Q&A view on event community: