Virtual Booth Analytics

On Hubilo, we capture the following information & data in order to build strong analytics for Virtual Booth:

  1. Attendee Engagement Report: Here you will have a combined data of all users who visited your virtual booth and as per the activity they conducted, it will also show their Engagement Score along with the Lead Status (This can be marked through Virtual Booth Dashboard)

  2. Profile View Report: All the users who viewed the virtual booth their data will be displayed here along with viewed time & date.

  3. PDF/brochure download report: If you have added any brochure or files to your virtual booth, here you will get the data of users who downloaded these files.

  4. Meeting Report (Team Members): Here you will have the data of all 1:1 meeting schedules with your team members via your virtual booth. It will have Attendees & team members names with whom the meeting has been scheduled or requested.

  5. CTA Report: Click to action section on your virtual booth offers additional space to add information, content or links which helps in branding your booth. You will get the data of users who clicked on this section.

  6. Product Image Report: TheUsers who viewed images on your booth, their data will be captured along with the Image Link & Clicked Time/date.

  7. Product Video Report: The Users who viewed videos on your booth, their data will be captured along with Video Link & Clicked Time/date.

  8. Business Card: Users who share their details by clicking on the Share Your Details button on your booth - their data will be captured in this report.

  9. Lounge Meeting: If you have a dedicated table in the lounge, then its data will be captured and available in this report along with the details of Attendees & Team members who conducted the meeting.

  10. Booth Member Chat Report: If a user sends a message to any of your team members added in the virtual booth - then the data of such user will be captured along with Time & Date.

  11. Live Chat Report: If a user has posted any message on the live chat within the booth, then the data of such user will be captured along with a message

  12. QNA Report: If a user has posted any questions on the Q&A tab within the booth, then the data of such user will be captured along with the question

  13. Leads Scanned: This feature would be available in Hybrid Event - wherein if an onsite attendee QR Code is scanned by an onsite exhibitor, then their data would be captured.

Downloading Analytics Report (For Premium Access)

The steps are as follows:
Open Event > Edit Profile > Click on Manage Dashboard > Analytics > Export File



Or you can also get in touch with the event organizers and they will share the analytics of your virtual booth.