How to allow moderator for Room recording?

Organizers can now provide permission to record rooms. However, this can only be done for a moderated room. Only the moderator can record the room.


To enable recording rights, please follow the below steps:


Step 1: Select Rooms > Click 'Add Rooms'.


Step 2: Enter room details.

Step 3: Select 'Moderated' for Who Can Share Audio/Video In The Room.


Step 4: Select moderators. These people will have the option to record.


Step 5: Turn the toggle on for Enable Moderators to record this room.


Step 6: Click "Save".

After joining the room, the Moderator needs to Press the REC button (as shown below) on the bottom left corner of the screen to record.



New Community:

On the new community the record option will appear as follows:



Kindly note the following points when the screen share is recorded in a Room-

  • For a participant who has their camera off, their tile will show as black in the room recording.

  • The user names on tiles or the default thumbnail images will not be displayed if the user has turned off their camera on the tile.

  • When the screen share is active, a participant who has the camera off will show as a black tile.



    Note: The room session can be recorded for a maximum duration of two hours.