Organizers can now provide permission to record rooms. However, this can only be done for a moderated room. Only the moderator can record the room.
To enable recording rights, please follow the below steps:
Step 1: Select Rooms > Click 'Add Rooms'.
Step 2: Enter room details.
Step 3: Select 'Moderated' for Who Can Share Audio/Video In The Room.
Step 4: Select moderators. These people will have the option to record.
Step 5: Turn the toggle on for Enable Moderators to record this room.
Step 6: Click "Save".
After joining the room, the Moderator needs to Press the REC button (as shown below) on the bottom left corner of the screen to record.
New Community:
On the new community the record option will appear as follows:
Kindly note the following points when the screen share is recorded in a Room-
For a participant who has their camera off, their tile will show as black in the room recording.
The user names on tiles or the default thumbnail images will not be displayed if the user has turned off their camera on the tile.
When the screen share is active, a participant who has the camera off will show as a black tile.
Note: The room session can be recorded for a maximum duration of two hours.