How to add/delete/edit the speakers for a Media File

Media+ allows you to add/delete or edit the speaker for a Media file.

Here is the Step-by-step process to manage speakers:

  1. Open the specific media file in the Media Library.
  2. Scroll down to the “Speakers” section.
  3. To add a new speaker:
  • Click on “Add New Speaker option”.
  • From here, add First Name, Last Name, Organization, and Designation and click “Add”
  1. To delete any existing speaker
    1. Just hover over an already-added speaker and click the delete icon.
    2. Click the “Delete” icon next to the speaker’s name.
    3. Confirm the deletion by clicking “Yes” when prompted.
  2. To edit any existing speaker 
    1. Just hover over an already-added speaker and then click on the edit icon.
    2. Locate the speaker in the list and modify the necessary information.
    3. Click “Save” to apply the changes.