Media+ allows you to add/delete or edit the speaker for a Media file.
Here is the Step-by-step process to manage speakers:
- Open the specific media file in the Media Library.
- Scroll down to the “Speakers” section.
- To add a new speaker:
- Click on “Add New Speaker option”.
- From here, add First Name, Last Name, Organization, and Designation and click “Add”
- To delete any existing speaker
- Just hover over an already-added speaker and click the delete icon.
- Click the “Delete” icon next to the speaker’s name.
- Confirm the deletion by clicking “Yes” when prompted.
- Just hover over an already-added speaker and click the delete icon.
- To edit any existing speaker
- Just hover over an already-added speaker and then click on the edit icon.
- Locate the speaker in the list and modify the necessary information.
- Click “Save” to apply the changes.
- Just hover over an already-added speaker and then click on the edit icon.