Whenever there is any issue while joining the Room or Lounge, the below checklist can be followed in order to have a smoother experience:
Use Google Chrome Browser. (Other browsers may create issues with Audio/Video/Screenshare and may not perform as expected across OS/Browser versions) /or use the Event Mobile App.
If you have a VPN or firewall enabled, Disable it.
Join from an Open network and not via the restricted office network.
Ensure to give permission to use your Microphone & Camera on your device
You can also conduct a test by clicking on the Test Compatibility button on the lounge and checking the system.
If your video or audio device is not compatible, you shall receive an error message saying “No compatible devices found”.
Click here to view the minimum operating requirements for the Hubilo Event Platform
Check if Audio/Video Permissions are given for the Event community web application. If not, follow these steps mentioned to successfully enable browser permissions for your camera and microphone:
Make sure the drivers are installed for Audio and Video Devices.
Check if the video is enabled on other software like Zoom.
Check for system time, it should be according to the system timezone. Not manually set up.
Please check the following if you are facing issues with your Camera & Mic:
Please ensure you have enabled camera and mic permissions for the page.
Refresh the page:
Most issues could be due to a temporary glitch and get resolved by a quick browser refresh.
Leave and rejoin:
If the issue persists, try leaving and rejoining the room.
Switch Network:
VPNs and Firewall enabled networks could block some functionalities of Rooms. Try switching to a different network.
Click on the lounge table > click on the test device button > to check your system compatibility.
The event is best experienced in the latest version of Chrome on laptop/Desktop & Event Mobile App.
Kindly upgrade the browser or switch to a Laptop/Desktop if the issue persists. Kindly reach out to us in case of any further assistance required.
Note: https://webdemo.agora.io/agora_webrtc_troubleshooting/ can be used for pre-session/meetings checks.