Create a webinar on Hubilo

Easily set up and run unforgettable webinars with our all-in-one online webinar platform.

To create an Webinar Event below steps are to be followed:


Step 1: Log in onto the dashboard and, click on 'Create New Event'.

Step 2: Once you click on ‘Create New Event’, select Webinar format.


Step 3: Once you select the event format, you will be required to select the type of your event.


Step 4: After choosing your event type, you will be required to fill in the basic details i.e., Event Name, Description, Time zone, Start/End time, and other details asked.



Organizers can create webinars in a non-English language as well (webinars will only support 1 language)

Based on the language selected by them (in the webinar creation process):

  • The interface language (i.e. CTA buttons, toast messages) on the community platform will change.
  • The organizer will be able to input webinar-related content such as webinar name, webinar description, conversion prompt, etc in that particular language.


Points to note:

  • The organiser can edit the webinar session basic details by clicking on sessions from side panel.

  • The end time of the session cannot exceed more than 3 hours. By default the session end time will be set to start time + 3 hours.
  • The organiser can edit the session date, session start time until the session start time on the final day. If the event is published as well, the organiser will be able to edit the session start & end time until the session start time on final day.

  • After the session start time has occurred on the final day, the organiser cannot make any changes on dashboard and the ability to change session date, start & end time of session will be disabled.

Step 5: The organiser can add the Speakers, upload handouts/files to share with session attendees and allow attendees to rate this session by clicking on the sessions from side panel.


Setting Streaming For Webinar:

HBS would the streaming source for Webinar.

Step 1: Select the Session in the dashboard > Click on Stream Options and Toggle on the Stream This Session button > Select Hubilo Streaming under the Stream Source Section.

Step 2: Once the stream source is selected > Under "Where Will The Speaker Join From", there are two available options:
A). External Encoder (via OBS, Streamyard, Restream, Vmix, WebEx, etc)

B). Hubilo Broadcasting Studio

Select Hubilo Broadcasting Studio and select the person who will be Hosting the webinar as the Studio Host. Click "Save".


Step 3: Go to Engagement and enable the required engagement options. 


Some recommended practices to follow when using Hubilo Broadcasting Studio.

  • Please make at least 1 co-host immediately as soon the host joins the session so that in case the host gets disconnected, someone can manage.

  • There can be maximum of 12 panelists in any session (Host, co-host or speakers)

  • There can be only 1 host. However, you can add multiple co-hosts who will have the same access as a host.

  • Enter studio with video and mic on. Users can choose to switch it off later.

  • The private link should always be accessed through an incognito window.

  • Join the studio a minimum of 10 mins before the session.

  • Do 'Go Live' 30 secs before the time.

  • Hubilo Broadcasting Studio is supported on desktop/laptop (Mac and Windows). We suggest Speakers avoid joining from mobile/tablets/Ipads/Chromebook/ Microsoft Pro.


Below is the guide to host a Webinar on Hubilo Broadcasting Studio:

Host Guide for Hubilo Broadcasting Studio