Multi-Event analytics allow you to view the real-time statistical data for all the events and gives you the key insights for better decision-making.
To Access the multievent analytics. Click on Analytics on top.
Select the event/s from the dropdown on the top right-hand side.
The 3 main key aspects covered in multi-event analytics are Overview, Engagement, and Revenue
- Events: It is the total no. of events that the Organizer has created from his / her account on the Hubilo platform.
- Sessions: It is the total no. of sessions that are created in all the virtual events.
- People: It is the sum of all the people added at all virtual events.
- Virtual Booths: It is the total no. of virtual booths that are created by the Organizer from all the virtual events.
- Premium Booths: It is the total no. of Premium Booths from all the virtual events that the organizer has enabled from the virtual booths.
- Lounges: It is the total no. of lounges(attendee and virtual booth lounge tables) from all the virtual events.
- Meetings: It is the total no. of meetings done at all the virtual events.
- Event Feeds: It is the total no. of event feeds posted by the people at all the virtual events.
- Speakers: It is the total count of speakers from all the virtual events.
- Rooms: It is the total rooms that are created in all the virtual events.
- Event Wise Analytics: It shows the table of data that contains the event name, attendees, registration, logged-in people, and avg. time spent by the people.
- People Chart: It shows the chart that contains the logged-in people and active people added from all the events
- Logged In People: It is the count of total no. of logged in people from all the events
- Active People: It is the count of total no. of people who have done at least some event activity from all the events.
- Turn Out Percentage: It is the total number of people who were participated in events divided by the total people added to the events (multiplied by 100) gives the turnout percentage.
- Avg. Time Spent in Events: It is the average time spent by the people from all the events.
- Total Live Views: It is the total live views(by people) of all the sessions from all the events.
- Total Replays: It is the total no. of replays(by people) for the sessions in all events.
- Average time spent on sessions: It is the time spent by the people in all the sessions from all the events.
- Added to Agenda: It is the count of total no. of sessions that are added to the Agenda by the people.
- Average registration per session: It is the average count of session registrations from all the events.
- Participation: It is the total number of people who participated in the sessions from all the events divided by the total number of people added to the events.
- Total Chats: It is the total number of chat messages sent in the sessions by the people from all the events.
- Total Q&As: It is the total number of Q&A in the sessions by the people from all the events.
Virtual Booths:
- Participation: It is the total number of people who interacted with Virtual booths from all the events divided by a total number of people (multiplied by 100) that gives the participation rate.
- Profile Views: It is the total no. of profile views by all the people from all the events.
- Business Cards dropped: It is the total no. of business cards dropped by the people at all the virtual booths in all the events.
- Average Rating: It is the average rating of all the virtual booths from all the events.
- Bookmarks: It is the total number of virtual booths bookmarked by all the people from all the events.
- Networking Lounge:
- Lounge Meetings: It is the total number of Lounge meetings from all the events
- Lounge Participation: It is the total no. of people who participated in the lounge from all the events divided by the total no. of people. (multiplied by 100) gives the participation rate.
- Avg. time spent in Lounge: It is the average time spent in all the lounges by the people from all the events
- Room Sessions: It is the total number of room sessions in all the events
- Room Participation: It is total no. of people who participated in-room sessions from all the events divided by the total no. of people (multiplied by 100) gives the room participation rate
- Average Time Spent in Rooms: It is the average time spent by the people in all the rooms of all the events.
1-1 Meeting:
- Number of Meetings: It is the total number of 1-1 meetings that happened in all the events
- Meeting Participation: It is the total no. of people who participated in the meeting from all the events divided by the total no. of people. (multiplied by 100) gives the participation rate.
- Total Revenue: It is the total revenue made from all the paid tickets in all the events.
- Average Revenue Per Attendee: It is the total revenue divided by the number of active users from all the events.
- Total Orders: It is the total orders(ticket purchases)placed by the people from all the events.
- Total Payout: It is the total payout amount from all the events that the Organizer will receive for selling the paid tickets.
- Revenue Distribution: It is the day-wise chart that represents no. of tickets sold and revenue made between the time frame in all the events. The date dropdown should contain the weekly, monthly, and custom.
- Event-wise breakdown: It shows the table of data that contains the event name, tickets sold, revenue made(in USD), and payout(in USD).
- Revenue By Country: It shows the chart that contains the top countries with the highest revenues. Display top 3 and the rest into Others.
- Ticket: It is the chart that describes the distribution of tickets over tickets sold in all the events.
- Revenue By Country: This gives information about the total revenue made from all the countries in all the events.
- Top Chart: It gives the information about the top ticket with the most revenue and tickets sold.
In case of any doubts or in need of further assistance Login to your account on the Hubilo dashboard and access the chat.